Dassault Systèmes ha annunciato il rilascio di DraftSight 2017 SP3, il terzo service pack per DraftSight 2017, il suo CAD 2D gratuito e multi piattaforma.
Ecco quali sono le note di rilascio di questa versione:
- Improves “Rebuild All” command to behave properly when modifying fields in Drawing Properties
- Improves “Rebuild ()” method to work properly when modifying fields in Drawing Properties.
- Fixes a German menu translation issue "Masseneigenschaften abrufen (Get Mass Properties)" that has been duplicated and used inappropriately for the other "Get Properties" command
- Fixes the Inconsistent results of IsolateLayer command.
- Fixes EXTRACTBLOCKATTRIBUTE command so that the DXF Format Extract file (DXX) file will be generated successfully.
- Enhances DraftSight 2017 to obtain successfully a license over SNL even if latency between client and server is over 100ms.
- Enables “Alternate UnitSystem” with Prefix for dimensions to display < > sign.
- Rectifies an unrecognized German command “XBlockAttributBearbeiten” by changing it to “XBLOCKATTRIBUTTEEINGEBEN”.
- Rectifies the DraftSight German version incorrect Help article for the “Anpassungauswählen” command.
- Improves stability when deleting dimension to avoid application not responding.
- Adds ability to insert angles with degrees and minutes using surveyor units.
Potete scaricare gratuitamente (richiede soltanto una registrazione gratuita) DraftSight 2017 SP3 per Windows, macOS e Linux all'indirizzo https://www.3ds.com/it/prodotti-e-servizi/draftsight-cad-software/free-download/
Leggi il contenuto originale su Marco's Box