Il team di LXQt ha annunciato il rilascio di LXQt 0.15.0, l'ambiente desktop leggero Qt che troviamo, ad esempio, su Lubuntu 20.04. Si tratta del primo major update da un anno a questa parte. I miglioramenti introdotti sono minori e riguardano principalmente il file manager e il pannello.
PS: volevo mettervi il link al sito ufficiale ma... non funziona. Accontentatevi del link alla pagina GitHub :D
Di seguito trovate le principali novità di LXQt 0.15.0:
PS: volevo mettervi il link al sito ufficiale ma... non funziona. Accontentatevi del link alla pagina GitHub :D
Di seguito trovate le principali novità di LXQt 0.15.0:
LibFM-Qt / PCManFM-Qt
- Mount passwords can be saved (temporarily or permanently) if gnome-keyring is present.
- "Single window mode" is supported.
- Richer file tooltips.
- Multi-screen wallpaper support .
- Deletion time is added to Trash.
- Thumbnails can be toggled on the fly.
- Better keyboard navigation.
- Problems with remote folders are fixed.
- LXQt file dialog has smarter extension handling.
- Other enhancements and many fixes.
LXQt Archiver
- This is a new addition to LXQt: a fully functioning archive manager based on LibFM-Qt and used by PCManFM-Qt by default.
LXQt Panel
- A new plugin is added for changing display backlight.
- Now Desktop Switcher has an option to show only the active desktop.
- Menu search is made smoother.
- Panel positioning is corrected with multiple screens.
- An option is added to Task Manager for moving windows to next/previous virtual desktop with mouse wheel.
LXQt Configuration
- Drag and drop of screens is improved and made easier in Monitor Settings.
LXQt Power Management
- An option is added for changing the display backlight when the computer is idle.
QTerminal / QTermWidget
- The Settings dialog is made compact and scrollable.
- A fixed custom size is allowed for QTerminal.
- Switching to tabs by index is made possible.
- An option for borderless state is added.
- History can be sent to your editor.
- QTerminal works fine on macOS.
- Flickering on font change is fixed.
- Several other fixes and enhancements.
LXImage Qt
- "Open With..." is added to file menu.
- Keyboard shortcuts can be customized.
- The maximum number of recent files can be configured.
- Showing of image outline is supported.
- Fixes.
- SVG icons are made sharp with scale factors > 1, especially with non-integer factors.
Leggi il contenuto originale su Marco's Box