Rilasciato Mesa 17.0.0!

by Matteo Gatti on

Gli sviluppatori hanno annunciato ufficialmente il rilascio di Mesa 17.0.0.

Mesa 17.0.0 introduce numerose migliorie (si veda il changelog riportato sotto), tra le tante citiamo il supporto a OpenGL 4.5 sulla piattaforma Intel Haswell, migliori performance con Deus Ex: Mankind Divided e migliorie con Intel Vulkan.

Mesa 17.0.0: le novità

Ecco un changelog dettagliato:

Vulkan drivers:
 - Correctly return (and implement) VK_INCOMPLETE on multiple WSI queries
 - Support for the VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge extension
 - We now use the Khoronos vk.xml file to generate the entrypoints

 - HiZ and performance improvements
 - Float64 support and tessellation shader support.

 - Support multiple devices
 - Support for the VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count extension
 - Support for the VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height extension

 - Android: Use gralloc::lock_ycbcr for resolving YUV formats
 - Android: Support for pbuffer surfaces

Mesa core:
 - Noticeable refactoring en route to GLSL Shader Cache
 - Groundwork for int64

 - OpenGL 4.5 support on Haswell hardware
 - Reuse the same BLORP and ISL code as the ANV driver

 - HUD: A number of race issues and memory leaks were resolved.

 - New driver for Vivante GPU IP

 - Support for a5xx

 - OpenGL 4.3 support on Maxwell hardware
 - Improved performance due to instruction pipelining (Maxwell)

 - VCE: Handle H.264 level 5.2
 - Polaris12 support
 - Dozens of performance improvements

 - Implement clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform.
 - Add missing clGetDeviceInfo CL1.2 queries

 - Use dri3 to directly send the buffer to X

I source packages sono già disponibili, per maggiori informazioni vi rimando comunque all’annuncio ufficiale. Vi ricordo che Ubuntu 17.04 supporterà di default Mesa 17.0.0.Rilasciato Mesa 17.0.0!

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Written by: Matteo Gatti